World Book Day & New Reading Shed

Today we welcomed author Sam and illustrator Katie to school. They talked to us about the special job they do and read us their new story.

They then opened our new ‘Reading Shed’ which was designed and created by Andre (with help from Mrs White-Culf).

Andre has made rapid progress in his reading and decided that an area to enjoy stories at playtime would make all the children happy! He drew a design and then made a list of all the things he thought he would need in the reading shed. He used the internet to source the items and when they arrived, he read all the instructions to build the bookcases himself!

He is so proud of his design and thrilled to see it in all its glory, ready to be enjoyed by every child. He is looking forward to his new responsibility of looking after the shed and changing the books every week. Well done Andre!
















Posted by marchesadmin on 5th March 2020, under Uncategorised

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