Safer School Accreditation Renewed!
West Mercia Police and Shropshire Council support our school with the Safer School initiative. We are an accredited ‘Safer School’ and proud of our Safer School sign and certificate. The accreditation is reviewed every two years. Following a recent visit on Tuesday 15th November 2022, Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer at Shropshire Council commented:
“Mrs Kaminski held a Safer School meeting today, involving staff and governors. It was a really positive meeting where we reviewed the security/safety measures, updated an action plan and reviewed the incident recording. Part of the Safer School process involves gathering feedback from the whole school community, so we reviewed the results of the school’s Safer School survey and again, good news and particularly reassuring feedback from both parents/carers and pupils. The school was presented with a new Safer School certificate and a future meeting is planned for the Autumn term 2023.”
This is a fantastic achievement – well done team Tilstock!

Posted by marchesadmin on 15th November 2022, under Uncategorised
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