Meet our Therapy Guinea Pigs!

At Tilstock CE Primary school we are delighted to announce that we have two new furry members joining our school at the beginning of term. Therapy Guinea Pigs!


Pet therapy is just one intervention alongside many others that we are now using in our ‘Recovery Curriculum’ in response to our children’s needs. They will provide a positive focus for our pupils and studies have shown that with the use of pet therapy, symptoms of stress, hypertension and anxiety have shown to be greatly alleviated.


Therapy animals have special training, and must pass certain tests to be certified. To stroke a pet is proven to be very calming, to lower heart rate and increase a feeling of wellbeing. Guinea Pigs are ideal as they are easy-to-hold, furry and friendly. Our Therapy Guinea Pigs will enable pupils to cuddle and bond with our furry friends, which can help boost their mood and self-esteem.


The daily preparation of food and water, cleaning the cage, and regular interaction can lead to positive improvements in responsibility, independence and social skills for children, including those with autism spectrum disorder.


We would like our pupils to think of a name for our first female Guinea Pig. Please let us know your ideas and we will draw a name on our first day back in school.


We cannot wait for you to meet her! 

Posted by marchesadmin on 1st September 2020, under Uncategorised

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